Woodcrest Retreat

A Christian Summer Camp, Campground, & Retreat Ministry

(717) 738-2233 Connect With Us


Redneck Arcade Night - Youth Group Event

Redneck Arcade Night – Youth Group Event

Redneck Arcade Night is a unique event that puts a country spin on classic games and competitions. Participants can test their skills in challenges like Blue Collar Bowling, Slingshot Angry Birds – inspired by the app but played with real slingshots, Redneck Sumo – using bubble soccer knockerballs, Hatchet Throwing, Tug-of-War, and much more. To request more information email joel@woodcrestretreat.org







Woodcrest Retreat

A Christian Summer Camp, Campground, & Retreat Ministry


225 Woodcrest Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522

(717) 738-2233


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